At the North Texas Mycological Association, we pride ourselves in providing the ultimate learning experience from the beginner to the advanced levels of knowledge.
Currently we are a small association that is looking to grow, and as we continue to grow we will add more educational topics in all aspects involving fungi. For now, we are proud to offer the following to our members:
- In person group forays with experts that teach you various aspects of fungi from what their preferred growth habitats are, the best conditions to look for, as well as in person mushroom identification and the best places in the North Texas region to forage.
- We offer in person and virtual mushroom identification classes from the beginner stage to the advanced stage.
- We teach about the most common edible and poisonous fungi found in the North Texas region, including the deadly Amanita bisporigera or the “Destroying Angel”.
- Basic Cultivation Workshops and Guides from Beginner to Advanced. Learn how to grow all of your favorite, exotic mushrooms!
- We offer age appropriate Youth Programs for children to teach them the importance that fungi play in our ecosystem. It is imperative to instill these values early as this helps them avoid toxic mushrooms.
- The North Texas Mycological Association plans on having group culinary gatherings, discuss how to cook wild edibles and share wild mushroom recipes.
- We will eventually offer microscopy workshops. Currently as we are a small club with limited funds we cannot afford to buy several microscopes for a workshop; but intend to do so when we eventually receive the funds. For now, the President of the Association has offered to provide his microscope that has a camera attachment so we can have a class with a projector attached so everyone can see and play around with spores.
- In the near future we will offer various classes of interest such as mycoremediation, mushroom art, host expert guest speakers, and organize mushroom festivals and more!
All of our educational opportunities will be announced under Events/Calendar and our newsletter, The Fungi Times.